Postconceptual Photography, an image analysis in practice
Martin Fischer
Sunday 2023 November 5
Start: 12:00 a.m.
End: 2:00 p.m.
Language: English & German
Kosten: Euro 19.- oder mit Competa Photodays Conference Ticket kostenfrei.
Location: Ayuntamiento Competa
Odradek, Taboritskà 8, Prague, 18. Juli 1994 - von Jeff Wall
Martin Fischer, artistic fulltime photographer from Eastern Austria, researched into Postconceptual and Conceptual Photography at his studies in Image Science since late2019; the respective Master Thesis has been accepted in Mid 2023 and studies should finish in 2.Half 2023.
Many photos are taken in a split second, and not much thought has been vested into such fast photography, often just made for quick presentation and consumption.
A different approach lies in Conceptual and Postconceptual Photography, existing since approx. the 1960ies. there, the stage is meticulously prearranged and all dimensions of staging, acting, directing, producing, consuming the art are well thought of.
on the occasion of one famous photography by Jeff Wall such deeper thoughts by the director are being discussed and described, free for the audience to discuss their thoughts and impressions.
Martin Fischer